The Reason for American Academy
私の両親は両方とも教育者であり、私が小学生の時から、私も教育者になりたいという強い願望を感じていました。 小中学校での私のお気に入りの経験の1つは、自分よりも幼い子供たちに指導・サポートすることでした。 これが私の将来の夢であることをすぐに両親に知らせ、両親は私の夢を実現するためにサポートをしてくれました。
My parents were both educators and ever since I was in elementary school, I have felt a strong desire to become an educator too. One of my favorite experiences in elementary and middle school was mentoring younger students. I let my parents know right away that this was my dream and they supported me to help make it a reality.
「人に魚をあげれば彼は一日食べさせられる。彼に魚の釣り方を教えれば一生食べさせられる」ということわざを学び、教えたいという気持ちが深まりました。 私の情熱は他の人を助けることであり、教えることが人のためにできる最良の方法であることが明らかになりました。 しかし、誰に、どこで教えたいのかを悩んでいました。
My desire to teach deepened as I learned the adage, “If you give a person a fish, that person eats for a day, but if you teach that person to fish, that person eats for a lifetime.” My passion is helping others and it became clear that teaching was the best way to do that. However, figuring out who or where I wanted to teach was harder.
After I finished mentoring students in elementary and middle school, I thought I knew everything I needed to know for those grades, so I wanted to teach those students.
高校では、私の社会科の先生が最も刺激的でした。 社会がどのように進化し、私たちの役割が社会のどこにあるのかを知ることが重要だと私は信じているので、今回のこの主題について話しました。しばらくの間、大学生に教えたいと思っていましたが、毎日クラスを見たいと思い始めました。 これが私が高校で教えるようになった理由です。
In high school, my social studies teachers were the most inspirational. The subject spoke to me because I believe it’s important to know how society has evolved and what our part is in it. I thought for a while that I wanted to teach college-age students, but I wanted to see my class every day. This encouraged me to return to the high school class.
I taught in America for some time, but I really wanted the experience of teaching overseas. Japan has always interested me because of its culture and language, so I made my plans, packed my bags, and moved to Japan.
I loved teaching kids of all ages at my first eikaiwa, but I could not see them every day and make the meaningful connections that wanted to foster.
関西の学校のいろんなところで働き、不安を感じました。 私は、これらの学校が私の教育の理由や動機と一致していないことに気づき始めました。 しかし、日本での私の教育経験が、日本人学生が英語のコミュニケーションスキルを身に付けることで国際社会に参加するのを支援したいという私の情熱を刺激したことに感謝しています。
As I bounced around schools in Kansai, I felt a certain unease. I began to realize that these schools didn’t align with my reasons and motivations for teaching. However, I am grateful that my teaching experience in Japan sparked my passion to help Japanese students engage in the international community by building their English communication skills.
これらの学校の多くは、教育の学位や認定された教育経験のないネイティブのスタッフを雇うことがよくあります。 これらの教師は一般的に、より大きなカリキュラムの一部としての自分のレッスンについて考える知識を持っていません。
Many of these schools often hire native English speakers without educational degrees or certified teaching experience. These teachers generally do not have the knowledge to think about their lessons as a part of the larger curriculum.
With my background in education, I know how to help students use proper sentences to convey information and how to review previously learned material.
適切な基盤と構造は、基盤を構築している就学前の子供にとって特に重要です。 最初の基盤がしっかりとしていないと、話すパターンが定着するにつれて、生徒が基礎を強化することがはるかに難しくなります。
The proper foundation and structure are particularly important for preschool children who are building their base. If crucial steps are not taken in the beginning, it becomes that much harder for students to strengthen their foundation as their speech patterns become more entrenched.
現在、親子、就学前、小学生と英語に親しむ機会を提供しており、それ以上の学年の子供たちには通常の学校以外で英語を学べる機会を提供しています。 私たちのスケジュールは、子供たちがアメリカンアカデミーで英語で考えたり話したりするのが快適になるという私たちの信念を表しています。
Currently, we offer infants a chance to become familiar with English with their parents, preschool and elementary school children a chance to engage in English, and older students a chance to learn English outside of their normal school. Our schedule reflects our belief that the more a student comes to our school, the more comfortable they will be in thinking and speaking in English.
American Academy charges tuition that makes it easy for students to join and spend as much time as possible in an English environment. There are no start-up fees and there are no long-term contracts that students must sign. At American Academy, our focus is solely on the children and their enjoyment and learning of English education.