Easter 2021
Due to Corona, last year we were unable to celebrate Easter with everyone. Instead we sent out instructions on how to dye Easter eggs using food coloring. This year however, we were able to invite everyone to our home. It was so much more fulfilling to celebrate with the two classes who came. Because we were dying eggs, we had to adjust our routine to make sure that the eggs had enough time to change color and to dry before kids brought them home. So after greetings, instead of reading and learning vocabulary we went right into dying the eggs.
We had mixed vinegar with boiling water and food coloring for the red and blue colors and we used turmeric to create the yellow dye. The kids loved the idea of using tape to create patterns on their egg. The part they taped would remain white and the part they did not tape would change color. Their designs were much more creative than the ones we showed them and they got to dye three eggs the three different colors. When all the eggs we in the bowls, we started our regular routine.
可愛い「It’s Easter, Little Critter」というタイトルの絵本を読みました。本で色々なイースターのアクティビティを学びました。そしてフラッシュカードで語彙を練習して「We should hunt Easter eggs」と 「We should meet the Easter Bunny」を言いました。僕はカードにイースターバニーと一緒に写真を撮った幼少期の写真を貼りました。子供達はその写真を見て笑いました。また子供達はイースターバニーの様にジャンプするのが好きでした。話した後卵の色が十分に変わったかをチェックしました。
We read a cute story called “It’s Easter, Little Critter!” The kids learned the various activities that we could do for Easter. Then we learned practiced the vocabulary using flash cards. We then practiced sentences like “We should hunt Easter eggs,” and “We should meet the Easter Bunny.” I used a picture of me sitting on the Easter Bunny when I was a child for that flash card and the kids got a kick out of seeing me as a child. They also enjoyed jumping up and down like the Easter Bunny. When we finished, it was time to check in the eggs had changed color enough.
卵の表面を乾かすためにに卵箱に染めた卵を置きました。卵を乾かしている間、私たちはBでbunnyとbeansという言葉を学びました。カップでタワーを作りました。Bunnyとbeansを言った後にカップを積み重ねていきました。「How many」も学びました。イースターハントをする時に使う質問を学びました。
We separated the kids’ eggs into different egg cartons so that they could dry. While they were drying we learned that B says “bunny” and “beans.” After correctly identifying the cards, we added a cup to a cup tower. So they also learned how to answer “how many?” This helped them when we went into our Easter egg hunt.
イースターハントをスタートしてから、子供たちはすぐに卵を見つけました。子供たちが来る前に私たちは家のあらゆる所にプラスチック卵を隠しました。お年上の子供たちは小さい子供たちに優しく接していて、高くて届きにくい卵を取らせてあげていました。子供達は僕の抱っこで高いところにある卵をワクワクさせながら手を伸ばして取り、袋に宝物を入れました。何個集めましたか?と聞かれて一つの卵が重い事に気付きました。その中にJelly beansポイフルが入っており子供たちは大喜びでした。
The kids were so fast and were able to find the eggs we had hidden around the house very quickly. The older kids were nice and let the younger kids have a couple of the hard to reach eggs. I needed to lift them up to get them, and they reached excitedly to put the treasure in their baskets. After asking how many eggs they had, they noticed that they had an egg that was heavier than the others and were delighted to find jelly beans inside.
その後、卵から孵った雛のカードを作りました。子供達は自分で目の色を選びました。「Happy Easter」も書きました。このアクティビティはすぐに終わりました。なぜなら子供達は染めた卵を見たかったからです。床で茹で卵を遊んだ子もいれば、卵の殻を割って食べる子もいました。大体の子がハムとほうれん草とトマトのキシュとシナモンロールが大好きでした。シナモンの匂いは苦手な子が多かったですが、全員がシナモンロールの上にかかっていたクリームチーズとバターのアイシングが大好きでした。
Next we made cards that looked like hatching chicks from eggs. They chose what color they wanted to make the eyes and some even wrote “Happy Easter” on the inside. This was a quick activity as the kids wanted to eat and see their dyed eggs. Some of them just wanted to play and roll the hard boiled egg on the floor and some chose to crack one of their eggs and eat it for lunch. Almost everyone loved the ham, spinach and tomato quiche and the cinnamon rolls, even if they didn’t like the smell of cinnamon on its own. However, everyone loved the butter and cream cheese icing on top.
To make sure the timing for the our events goes smoothly, we are going to combine Mother’s Day and Father’s Day at the end of May and celebrate the 4th of July on the actual weekend of the 4th! Take care and stay safe!