Thanksgiving 2021
This year’s Thanksgiving was a low key event, but that does not mean that any less effort was put into the preparations. We decided to only invite students who had participated in prior events and classes. However, the cooking, craft preparation and the home decoration took days to prepare. To try for Thanksgiving to not get lost between Halloween and Christmas, yours truly even made additional felt decorations, including a cornucopia that many described as the best decoration.
We had two small classes. It was really nice to see how returning students were able to use the language that we speak class during the event. Because they were familiar with the classroom English, we were able to progress with the craft and activity very easily. I was very proud of them and I imagine their parents we happy to see their development as well.
As always, for Thanksgiving, we started with a geography lesson. We looked for Japan, The United States and England on a globe. They could find Japan and The US, but England gave all the students some trouble. We then learned the story of how the Pilgrims spent 9 long weeks traveling the ocean to arrive in America. Then during the winter about half of them died and it was thanks to a friendly tribe of American Indians that allowed them to have a bountiful harvest and survive the following winter. The three day feast they enjoyed to mark the harvest is what we now call Thanksgiving.
その後、伝統的な食べ物と文法について学びました。その時にターキーの真似しました。真似が面白かったです。皆は食卓を回りながら『What do you want?』と聞いて、『I want turkey』と返事しました。食べ物の中では、アップルパイが人気のようでした。
After that, we quickly learned the traditional foods the day’s grammar and they enjoyed pretending to be turkeys. We then went around the table asking, “What do you want?” and responding with “I want turkey please.” Apple pie seemed to be one of the more popular dishes.
生徒は、目とくちばしとガブガブを貼る所を自分で決めるという独創性を見せました。一人は目を鬼滅の刃の風に書きました。材料を渡す前、生徒達は上手に『Can I have』とちゃんと言いました。
We transitioned into making a booklet in which we could write all the things that we are thankful for. We prepared everything, but students could show their creativity with their placement of the eyes, beak and the caruncles (the thing hanging from the beak). We called the caruncles “the gobble gobble” because nobody knows the real name for it and kids and parents alike enjoyed saying it. This year, one student decided to draw the eyes with the theme of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. They did a great job asking “Can I have…?” before we gave them the craft material.
理美がご馳走を温めている間、皆で少し勉強をしました。『T』は『Tasty』と『Turkey』というふうにTで始まることばを練習しました。それから、『How to Catch a Turkey』という本も読みました。子供達はずっとお腹が減っていたため、早く食べたがっていました。 勉強が終わった時ちょうど料理が温まりました。皆でご馳走を見て手を洗って食べました。
As Rimi heated up our feast, we learned that T says t, t, turkey and tasty. We also read the book, “How to Catch a Turkey.” The kids started the event hungry so they were getting antsy for the food. Rimi finished just in time and after seeing all the food and washing our hands, we sat down to eat.
We had turkey (chicken), mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes with marshmallows, roasted vegetables, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, walnut pie, apple cobbler and cranberry juice. Out of all of those things, the students favorite item was smallest and easiest to prepare side dish of roasted pumpkin seeds.
While eating, we shared what we were thankful for. Some said they were thankful for the food, others friends and family, two kids said God and one student said bugs. We loved all the answers and are so thankful that everyone could spend time during this important holiday with us.
アメリカンアカデミーを支えてくれた皆に感謝します。皆さんの支えなしではここまで来られませんでした。なんて幸せな感謝祭でしょう! クリスマスイベントでまたお会いできるのを楽しみにしています!
Thank you to everyone who has supported American Academy. We would not be here without your support. Happy Thanksgiving! We hope that we can see everyone for our Christmas event.