ABOUT | アバウト

Gerard first came to Japan in 2012. He first lived in Koshien and taught at a kid’s eikaiwa. He originally thought that he would only stay in Japan for a year or two but fell in love with the country and decided to stay a little longer. He developed a sense of community in Kansai and expanded his community when he met Rimi. Rimi has always lived in Japan but hopes to live in England for a little while. She wants to experience living abroad and have dedicated time to really focus on learning and becoming fluent in English.

Gerard and Rimi met at a Halloween party in downtown Osaka. Gerard was dressed as Olaf from Frozen and Rimi was a cat. They talked every day after that, being able to meet about once a week. They moved in together and within 4 years they got married. Shortly after that, they started the American Academy of Japan.
ジェラルドと理美はハロウィンパーティーで出会いました。ジェラルドはアナと雪の女王のオラフのコスチュームを、理美は黒猫のコスチュームを着ていました。出会ってすぐに意気投合し、その後も毎週会っていました。 4年の交際を経て、結婚をしました。そして結婚をしてしばらくしてからジェラルドの夢であったアメリカンアカデミーを立ち上げました。

Gerard and Rimi believe that learning English as early as possible will give children in Japan a better and more well-rounded childhood. Studies show that bilingual children develop synapses in their brains than non-bilingual students.
As the world becomes more globalized, learning a second language will allow Japanese children to be global citizens when they grow up. Starting at an early age will enable them to handle the difficulties of a world moving at a faster pace.
The driving influence behind American Academy is a passion for education. Rimi, primarily a nurse, and Gerard, a teacher by trade, both have a calling to help people. We follow the adage, “If you give a person a fish, the person eats for a day, but if you teach that person to fish, that person eats for a lifetime.” American Academy wants to create well-educated and well-balanced children that can help themselves and others as they grow into adults.